Training: It's Either WINNING or LEARNING

Today was my weekly class for Jiu Jitsu, and I caught a phrase by our Professor (lead teacher) that I'll always remember. We were learning a new move (at least for us who were newer to the class), and our Professor was reminding us to put aside our egos, and just focus on learning. He said, "If you get the pin, the submission, great! you win! but if not, you learn. You only lose when you stop learning." Did you catch that? "You either win or learn." Now, if that's not a good perspective for us as learners of this incredibly complex martial art, I don't know what is. And in the same way, as a person trying to follow Jesus, this holds true too. Even the word "disciple" means "learner." Maybe instead of focusing on living perfectly, we should focus more on learning. Learning about our Savior, the Shepherd Jesus we are trying to follow. And learn about the world around us, and how it works (or often is simply broken). And yes, learn ab...