Who Will You Roll with Next?


Six people.  

That's how many different people I rolled with today in the span of about 30 minutes.

But it was a great experience because everyone has a unique body shape with different ways of moving, levels of strength, and abilities.

For training it's important to have a variety of partners, so you can get the most out of your practice and deepen your experience. We know that, but sometimes it's hard to accept that, especially when we have our "favorites" that we like to partner up and roll with.

Some partners will be more instructional than others, some more aggressive than others, some more passive than others. But all together, it's a great way to practice what you know and learn from what others know.

In the same way, God gives us different trials in life to give us the opportunity to deepen our experience and application of what we know. The important thing is to learn from each experience by asking important questions:

  • Is my ego in the way, or was I able to set it on the side?
  • Did I react or respond? There's a world of difference...
  • How as my tone and body language? Was it kind and respectful? or was it irritated and aggressive?
  • Am I proud of what I said or how I acted? Did it represent Christ? or, was there too much of "me" in what happened and not enough of Jesus?
There are many other questions we can ask, but this should help you get the idea. In each and every situation God allows us to experience, look at them through the lens of training. Each situation is an opportunity to practice in a different way the very fundamental values and principles that Jesus teaches us over and over: love, truth, compassion, mercy, kindness, respect, etc.

Here are a couple verses that help us think along these lines from Philippians 4:8-9:

"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable -- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy -- think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me -- PUT IT INTO PRACTICE. And the God of peace will be with you." (emphasis mine)

Next time you get to roll with someone new, smile, and remember, this is your training. And when life throws you different problems and tough times, smile again -- THIS IS YOUR TRAINING.

Keep rolling,



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