"Be First and Be Third!" The Principle of Creation in Jiu Jitsu... (Principle #5: Creation)


Recommendation: Watch "Principle #5: Creation" video on GracieUniversity.com

(Disclaimer: I am not being paid/sponsored in any way to promote "Gracie University". I have found their "The 32 Principles" videos incredibly beneficial and I hope you do too! But it's not necessary to watch these videos to benefit from this blog)


This was one of the most meaningful videos about Jiu Jitsu that I have ever watched. It basically reminds us that we are like artists, the mat is our canvas, and we can create our moves on the fly or as some thoughtful strategy. But either way, as you create your move or execute your technique, your opponent will have a REACTION.

And it's important to have an idea of what you anticipate your opponent will do as a reaction to your move

Then, this is where the hammer drops! When your opponent reacts the way you expected, you are then able to execute the move you are REALLY setting up! The trap is set, your opponent walks into it, and then BAM! you got 'em!

This is the Principle of Creation in action. 

As they say in this video that I referenced above, "Be First and Be Third."  

Be first in initiating the move. Secondly, your opponent will then react in a way that you anticipate. Then thirdly, you will be able to do the move that you are really excited about doing to either bring the submission or advance your flow even more.

Now, how does this apply to my faith in Christ?

We need to study the people around us and then learn to find ways to redirect the conversations in God's direction. This starts with knowing what interests the person and expressing a genuine interest in learning more. Maybe they can teach you something you didn't know!

Second, allow the person to expand the conversation, and help it along with genuine questions to uncover their story. Everyone has a story, and the subject/interest is just a "garment" that their story is wearing. But the key is to learn the real story behind the garment, behind the costume. 

Then as they share, turn the corner (move #3), and ask how they find this affects their spiritual life. Does God have any input in this interest/subject? Why or why not? What does this reveal about their inner spiritual life that they may want to talk about...

Listen to what 1 Peter 3:15 says:

"But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect."

It's a conversation. A genuine conversation. Not a canned approach. Not manipulation. 

But a direction is still there! We are ultimately trying to get the person to have a spiritual encounter with Jesus, and it may be subtle or out in the open, but it can really happen!

The key is to be intentional about trying to get there. Be first and be third.

May this principle inspire your rolling, and your conversations. Let's practice Jiu Jitsu everywhere we go!

Keep Rolling,



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